Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone... apparently it’s known for its vast majority of diamond and gold mines, well I had no idea, but my rep told me that it did. He also told me there was one of the most famous diamond mines, The Diminco Mine, was only about half an hour away, and it was great to go and visit! So I decided to take Abubakarr's advice (mainly because someone with that name must know what they’re talking about, I mean how often do you get to say a name like Abubakarr!?) It was genius! The pic above this is the pic of the Diamond mines, I've never seen any number of people work with such speed and accuracy!

On the third day of being at Sierra Leone, i deided to go and visit the beach, ive got to admit that it wasnt as picturese as somewhere like, Turkey or Madrid, it was beautiful all the same. I was sitting alone on the beach dipping my feet in the suprisingly warm water when a young man named

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